Thursday, March 7, 2013

Next milestone


Bismillah …

Alhamdulillah . one of my targets after graduation has been achieved. Actually my main target is to be in oil and gas and do rotating stuff. But, mungkin Allah lebih tahu, Allah beri aku kerja dalam power industry and doing rotating stuff. Dan kerja ini beri aku peluang untuk merantau ke negara-negara orang insya'Allah . Later on, I still can join oil and gas industry if I want to, and from what I heard, to be in OEM company for turbine is a good opportunity to learn a lot (plus this company has side worldwide so I can travel a lot).

So, my next milestone is to find out zaujah. Somehow, aku still rasa something incomplete and I hope I could find out the woman at the right time, right place and right moment. Ada yang nak tolong cari ??? =P . 

WAllahua'lam .