Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am a sinner (not in the 'proud' tone) .

don't force me to be like you,
because what I am now ,
is not as strong as what you are .

hold my hand,
smile to me,
and move forward with me,
bring me together with you,
never order me and ask me to obey you,
but teach me kindly how should I do,
I will really appreciate what you do,
and I will appreciate the message that you want to convey to me.

I know Islam is syumul,
I never against this fact,
I just think how great I am if I have the strength to fully practice what Islam ask me to do,
I hate to commit sin,
But sometime I just don't have enough strength to overcome my bad deeds,
It just similar like I hate when someone committing sins,
But sometime I just don't have enough strength to advise them to go back to the right path.

Don't make me despair by forcing me to do what I can't do perfectly,
Don't bring me farther from Islam ,
Bring me toward Islam ,
Not by forcing me, but by giving me chance to discover the best way to leave this sin,
Insya'Allah , I will be more consistent to overcome this matter in the future,
As I know the best way how to solve this problem.

(sorry if anybody not understand what I am trying to say , my english is not so good, I am just trying to express what I think about this matter) .

WAllahua'lam .


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